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What You'll Need

– flowers with roots (could be a cute weed) – two frames (the frames will need to be thick enough to stand on a desk if that’s what you want) You need two frames because, we’ll be sandwiching the flower in between two pieces of glass to create this flower art.  We’ll only be using one frame and the glass from the other. – Hot glue – Two firebricks – paper towels or cotton fabric scraps – Microwave

Step 1

Here’s what my frames look liked. As you can see they were a bit on the thicker side which makes them perfect to stand on a desk or hang on the wall. I purchased my flower at homedepot. Sorry I have no idea what kind of flowers those are. They cost around $3. To begin I scraped off all my words carefully with a razor blade.

Step 2

Since I needed one piece of glass without the frame I tried to remove the glass from one of the frames by heating up the glue . It looked like the glass was hot glued to the frame (hotglue usually turns soft if heated) but, turns out it wasn’t hot glue so that didn’t work. Then I tried using a razor blade to cut the glass out but, that got dangerous pretty quick.

Step 3

So my final attempt was to break the frame apart which worked like a charm. 👏👏😁 Dollar store frames are apparently made out of some sort of foam and it came apart super easily without breaking the glass.

Step 4

This step is optional but, after that I masked off and gave my other frame a few coats of white paint. I wasn’t really feeling the black.

Step 5

Okay for the flower I gently pulled it out with the roots and to dry it I used my microwave method.

Step 6

You can view my full in depth tutorial here for the microwave drying method but, here’s some tips you’ll need for this flower. The idea behind this method is to dry your flower in the microwave sandwiched between two pieces of fabric and some firebricks. To begin I carefully lay my flower on a brick and fabric. Originally I tried drying the flower with the roots but, the flower kept getting ripples while drying because, the soil wouldn’t flatten out enough and there was room for the flower to curl up between the bricks while drying. So, I had to pull another flower with roots and give it a go. This time around I removed the roots and dried the flower alone.

Step 7

#1 Don’t ever push down on your bricks before sticking them in the microwave. This will not help flatten it out but, instead will break your flower. The flower will flatten out on it’s own. #2 White flowers tend to burn super quick. I love that this method preserves the white color so beautifully but, only if done correctly. Depending on the size of the flower I usually microwave it between 1-3 minutes in the microwave.

Step 8

Okay once your flower is dry. Display it in your frame and add a pinch of dirt with roots to make it look like you’ve ripped the flower out with the roots.

Step 9

I sprinkled some dirt around the roots as well.

Step 10

Than add the other piece of glass and use some hotglue and a brick to secure it. (note: you might see the glass fog up a bit from the moist soil. Don’t worry it goes away after a few hours. )

Step 11

And that’s it!!! Pretty easy right? I love this idea the possibilities are endless!! 😍😍😃 We used a white pen to write a personal message.

Simple but ssso unique!

Tilted Brush Stroke

